Removing Stress and Complexity from the Meeting Planning Process

Hand holding mug with check box latte art

On any given day, there is likely a lengthy list of  to-do’s demanding your attention. Phone calls to return, emails to send, clients to visit, paperwork to complete and don’t forget, meetings to plan and attend. The fullness and complexity of the day-to-day makes it difficult to prioritize and accomplish all that’s tasked with the…

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Should You Choose a Hotel or Meeting Venue for Your Next Team Gathering?

Large meeting and facilitator in meeting venue

You’ve been charged to coordinate the details for an upcoming meeting and discover that no onsite meeting space is available. Where do you look? In past years, options were limited and the solution would have been relatively simple—hotels. But as many companies continue to decrease their corporate footprint, meeting venues and dedicated event facilities have…

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Five Reasons Why Coworking is Better Than a Coffee Shop

black coffee in a white mug

Before reading any further, we’d like to set the record straight: At Roam, we have nothing against coffee. In fact, we like it so much that our logo incorporates a coffee stain and each of our 5 Atlanta workplaces offers a full-service coffee bar brewing Counter Culture Coffee. But as much as we love exploring…

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Coworking “Works” for Introverts and Extroverts

Hands typing on a keyboard

On one end of the personality spectrum exists the extrovert—the type of person who thrives in social settings. In fact, they enjoy the company of others far more than being alone and tend to have an infectious zeal for the human spirit. On the other end lies the introvert, who prefers comfort to chaos. The…

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Meeting Space for Teams to Innovate and Iterate

Brainstorm session with sticky notes

As we explained in our Introduction to Scrum Methodology article, an increasing number of forward thinking companies are choosing a more modern approach to product development. Born of the software industry, but entirely applicable to almost any business, the scrum methodology enables companies to operate much more swiftly within the constantly changing demands of consumer…

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An Introduction to Scrum Methodology

Meeting attendees engaging at speaking event

Product development in the pre-internet days involved meticulous planning, careful scheduling and the unified pursuit of a clearly identified end goal. It’s a rigid structure that proved successful across virtually all industries for many decades. However, this traditional model has become a bit cumbersome—and impractical—in recent years as the Digital Age has significantly impacted the…

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What to Expect from Coworking: Myth vs. Reality

Subeau team working in coworking space at Roam

More and more startups, freelancers and corporations are realizing the many benefits of a coworking membership. They’ve cast aside the misconceptions that opposed the coworking concept and are forging ahead with this new iteration of the modern workplace. But not everyone has embraced the idea of coworking and many still struggle to understand its benefits.…

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Coworking Space: The Membership You’ll Keep All Year

woman typing on computer

The road to New Year’s resolutions is paved with good intentions, isn’t it? Memberships to gyms, book clubs and other healthy and worthwhile endeavors begin at a fever pitch on January 1. By the end of the month, however, our new-found zest for whatever personal or professional changes we once saw as inspiring and motivational,…

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How to Pitch a Coworking Membership to Your Boss

Community table and coworking space at Roam Alpharetta

As you may already know, the evolution of the global economy has greatly impacted the way we all work. Technology has given rise to an abundant presence of freelancers and independent contractors seeking a better place to create, innovate and collaborate. Thus, the need for coworking spaces emerged. Since then, countless startups, small businesses and…

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How to Explain Coworking in 140 Characters or Less

The Roam twitter account shown on a laptop

The concept of coworking has come a long way since its origination in the Mission District of San Francisco in the early 2000s. Once seen as a niche offering for a small market of freelancers and entrepreneurs, coworking has evolved into an ideal solution that supports an increased level of focus, innovation and community among…

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