7 Out-of-the-Box Team Building Ideas


Team-building activities have been proven to improve company culture and create a stronger bond between employees. They also encourage collaboration, promote good communication, and build trust between team members. Most importantly, team-building exercises foster an attitude that common goals can be achieved if you work together. Leading a creative team-building activity is a great way…

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Yes, You Can Grow a Startup in a Coworking Space

As any entrepreneur knows, the “if you build it, they will come” mentality does not refer to business. Growing a startup takes commitment, hard work, and sufficient capital. It also requires a work environment that fosters productivity. Coworking spaces offer the professional atmosphere and convenient amenities needed by businesses to succeed. Coworking is no longer…

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10 Tips for Hosting a Successful Corporate Meeting


Corporate meetings historically have a bad rap. They often start late, drag on, and have no clear purpose. Attendees may start to lose interest quickly and engagement is often limited at best. However, the reason that most meetings fail is not due to the meeting itself, but rather poor preparation and management. Learn how to…

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Freelance to Founder: 7 Ways a Coworking Space Can Boost Your Business

Everyone starts somewhere. Many entrepreneurs begin their careers as freelancers, gradually pursuing bigger dreams of becoming founders of successful companies. Although there is no one route to achieve this goal, the tools and resources that a person has available to them can make a world of difference. Coworking space memberships have been found invaluable in…

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How to Choose the Perfect Corporate Event Venue

You’ve been tasked with planning the next corporate event for your company – an event that needs to impress, You’ve been tasked with planning the next corporate event for your company. A special event that needs to impress, stays within budget and is located close to the city. While there are numerous corporate event venues…

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Making it easier to meet in person (again)

While it’s exciting to see and experience life returning to normal, it can also be a little intimidating doing things for the first time again – like meeting in person. Roam has intentionally made adjustments and additions to our meeting experience to ensure the highest level of safety and comfort for our guests. With our…

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Start the New Year by Casting Vision

Large meeting and facilitator in meeting venue

Everyone has their own preference for how they like to start a new year. Some set resolutions to accomplish throughout the next twelve months, while others are advantageous goal setters. And of course, there are always those who stay away from resolutions altogether. But no matter where you fall on the spectrum, there’s something we…

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How Servant Leadership Impacts the Bottom Line

The idea of servant leadership has become more prevalent in the business world over the past few years. This counter-cultural approach to leadership has proven itself valuable and continues to trend that way. So what exactly is servant leadership? And how has it proven to be a top leadership style today? Let’s take a deeper…

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How to Maintain a Healthy Company Culture While Working From Home

Now that you’ve been working from home for quite some time, you’ve likely settled into new norms. Your routine is established. You know how to best communicate with your team. You know the rhythms of your day. You know what works for you and what doesn’t work for you. But in the midst of this…

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Safe Hands + Roam

The transition from quarantine life into a “new normal” has been undeniably challenging for all of us. The CDC and government leaders have provided guidelines for the transition period we find ourselves in, yet so much is left to personal preference and interpretation. At Roam, we’ve identified a common obstacle that is true both inside…

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