What does it look like to prioritize in a pandemic?

Since March 2020, things have felt a little up in the air. Normalcy, routine, rhythms and life as we know it have all changed. But now that we’re almost nine months into this global pandemic, where do we go from here? How do we prioritize? And how do we arrange our lives accordingly? Whether professionally…

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How to Maintain a Healthy Company Culture While Working From Home

Now that you’ve been working from home for quite some time, you’ve likely settled into new norms. Your routine is established. You know how to best communicate with your team. You know the rhythms of your day. You know what works for you and what doesn’t work for you. But in the midst of this…

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The Brief: Growth Kit #3

Man typing on laptop computer

Is it just us or is every week starting to look the same? Whether you’re looking for ways to be proactive professionally, encouragement to start a workout routine or different ways to keep your kids engaged, keep reading for a few ideas designed with you in mind. Professional If you’re a small business owner, times…

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The Brief: Growth Kit #2

Atlanta skyline meeting room decor

While establishing a new routine is important for #WFH life, we also recognize the importance of variety to switch things up and add a little diversity to the day-to-day. Our desire is to provide new opportunities for you to pursue professional, personal and physical development on your own time and at your own speed. Professional…

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