Membership Enhancements and How They Can Benefit You

Tour at Roam Galleria

With a new year comes new opportunities! 2020 has the potential for growth, success and innovation and we want to partner with you as you experience all of it. On January 1, Roam introduced new membership offerings to better fit the needs of hard working professionals like you. With low commitment, month-to-month memberships, you have…

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The Value of Hiring an Expert

With a multitude of pricey marketing softwares available in today’s market, how do you justify the additional expense of hiring an external expert? Download this eBook to understand the cost (and lost revenue potential) of not hiring a marketing technology consultant.   EBOOK: The Value of Hiring an Expert

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Failing is for Winners

Nobody likes to fail. It hurts. When we are unable to achieve our goals, we don’t just experience failure. We experience discouragement. Rejection. Doubt. Fear. Apathy. Failure has a way of warping our perspectives; re-shaping our outlook to align with the constraints of our current condition rather than that of the desired future state. We…

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5 Tips to Recapture Your Wealth

Did you know that many American’s transfer away between $2,000,000 and $5,000,000 of their wealth over a lifetime.  Yes, millions according to U.S. News and World Report. Could you be one of them? The truth is we will all transfer away wealth but we all have the opportunity to recapture a good chunk of that…

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Foundation First

It was a low point. I was on the phone with a non-profit who specialized in debt consolidation and financial counseling. My wife and I had just laid out our total financial picture to the counselor on the other end of the line. We were waiting for her to come alongside us with some practical…

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15 Best Practices for Marketing in 2017

Note: Some can also be used as a guide for hiking the Swiss Alps Marketing is not only fun but effective, when you follow a few straightforward tips along the trail.  These best practices have a tried-and-true track record, and will help your team not only think through strategy but the details of implementation, which…

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The Case for Marketing Automation in Small Business and Start-ups

I earn a living as a Marketing Technology Consultant. Often, when I meet new people, I have to expound on that further. My explanation goes something like this; “I help technology companies convert prospects into buyers, by maximizing the value of their marketing resources, through the use of marketing automation tools and processes.” Quite a…

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A Better Business Begins with a Better Culture

Company culture is a hot topic these days; but as much as everyone’s talking about it, very few people are bothering to define it. I can’t claim to have the single, correct definition of company culture, but I can tell you what it means to me. To me, culture is the force which rallies ordinary…

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The Question That Got Me Started and Keeps Me Going

My venture into entrepreneurship started mostly by accident. Initially, it was just a way to supplement the income from my full-time job. I joined a few online freelancer networks and started picking up gigs. They were small jobs at first like transcribing focus group interviews or researching a company’s competitors and compiling reports to make…

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Effective Employee Retention Strategy: The 3 R’s to Retaining Great Employees

What makes great employees great? It’s often a combination of experience, passion, and belief in the company’s mission. No new hire is guaranteed to be great, and often younger employees take time to grow into their greatness over time. Employee retention rate, especially for young professionals, is notoriously low. Many will look around for greener…

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