Manifest Your WHY

There is a lot of talk these days about your WHY.  As a case in point, Simon Sinek’s now infamous TED Talk about how great leaders inspire action, which popularized the notion of “starting with why” and cemented it within modern management lexicon, has over 32 million views on There is good reason for…

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Our Journey to a Vision Driven Culture

Editor’s note: Last week, Blake Shubert, Director of Organizational Development at Roam, shared his thoughts on how to lead with vision. Today’s second installment gives insight into how Roam aims to live out these vision-oriented principles. Each day we experience growth and learning in this area, and while we have certainly not arrived, our desire…

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Leading with Vision and Purpose

Purpose of a Vision: Commitment In most cases, excellence is about seven parts commitment and three parts strategy – William Bridges, Managing Transitions Let’s face it, while we work passionately and purposefully to make a difference, work is hard. Consider the plethora of organizational dynamics like teamwork, communication, accountability, decision making and human behavioral dynamics…

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The Super Power Within All Of Us

Working for Roam is a reward because we get to serve a membership comprised of super heroes: men and women full of purpose and passion. They’re creating value, taking risk, influencing society, and building communities. Our members are a collective picture of what the world needs; it needs inspiration! At Roam, we are chasing our…

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Giving & Burnout – Do You Know The Difference You’re Making?

One of the most rewarding elements of my job is when a guest or new member shares an observation that goes something like, “I can’t put my finger on it yet, but I sense there is something special going on here at Roam.” That phrase, something special, means everything to the Roam team. To us,…

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